With last weekend’s warmer temps in Virginia I managed to get out of the house for a few hours. I stayed local in a soybean field that has been recently harvested. It was a rather slow hunt after a few hours I managed a 1915 wheat penny, and 2 copper 64 pennies and a few 1900s buckles. The sun was going down and the temps were dropping I had enough. While headed back to the truck I found a familar signal. In my settings of VLX2 mode 81 has always been an IHP. This signal was only 4″ deep. I deceided to dig this last target boy am I glad I did!
I crossed 2 items off my bucket list! A cut coin, not only was it cut it was Spanish and silver!!
A Phillip V 2 reale. The coin dates back to the 1700s! This is a new field permission for me and my first visit. The Nokta Impact with the stock coil has amazing abilities! Nokta has hit it out of the park with this machine!
David Smith – USA